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(Step 3) [GET] Show Remote Payment by Reference (Single)


If you want to show the details of a single Payment by the Payment Reference, you need to follow the next steps howver, if you want to retrieve the full list of Payments, please visit here.


ℹ️ Before launching a payment, you need to have a Location created, as each payment will be related to a Location (location_id).


In all your requests you need to add, as a Header, your Authorization Token-ID:

"Name": "Authorization"
"Value": "Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-ID"


Staging environment


Production/Live environment


Examples of Request

As a "Header" we need to specify the "Authorization" (Bearer value). If we want to make a simple Request, we can use this cURL example:

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-ID" -X GET ""

Examples of Returns

Success response (200)

"success": true,
"message": "Success",
"data": {
"id": 14,
"external_reference": "ICYOQ4PM8S",
"device_id": 102,
"place_id": 705,
"created_at": "2024-03-04T21:37:46.064Z",
"payment": {
"id": 211,
"reference": "PQPPNZBGLQ",
"description": "Ipsum aut harum rerum.",
"amount": 80.67,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "pending_refund",
"type": "card",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"merchant_id": 58399383,
"holder_ticket": "Sunt aut aut. Ea bl.",
"merchant_ticket": "Cum in beatae. Ex s."
"refund_details": {
"payment_refund_id": 60,
"refund_method": "card",
"amount_refunded": "0.0",
"amount_refundable": "0.0",
"currency": "EUR",
"merchant_id": 58399383,
"payment_reference": "PQPPNZBGLQ",
"created_at": "2024-03-04T21:37:46.012Z",
"total_refunds": 1,
"refunds": [
"id": 57,
"payment_refund_id": 60,
"refund_method": "card",
"amount_refunded": "0.0",
"amount_refundable": "0.0",
"amount": "80.67",
"currency": "EUR",
"type": "total",
"refund_reference": "Z40FLCBJGA",
"payment_reference": "PQPPNZBGLQ",
"notes": "Non perspiciatis aut voluptate.",
"status": "new",
"created_at": "2024-03-04T21:37:46.023Z"

ℹ️ If you want to see the Payments status codes, please, read the section of "[GET] Retrieve Status"

Error responses

Unauthorized (401)

This error appears it is because the credential is incorrect or does not exist.

"message": "Unauthorized"

Not Found (404)

This error appears when the Payment Reference does not exist.

"success": false,
"message": "Record not found"